Enhancing Legal Document Analysis with Tsetlin Machines for Greater Transparency and Accuracy

Explore how Tsetlin Machines revolutionize legal text classification with superior interpretability and robust performance

Authors: include Tousif Rahman, Rishad Shafik, Adrian Wheeldon, Alex Yakovlev, Ole-Christoffer Granmo

Published: 2022, IEEE


This research paper delves into the use of Tsetlin Machines for interpretative text classification in legal documents, comparing their performance with other established methods such as BERT, CNN-BiLSTM, and FastText. The paper focuses on parsing contract documents to identify key legal terminologies, a task made challenging due to the specialized and often convoluted nature of legal language. The Tsetlin Machines's ability to generate interpretable models using propositional logic allows for the extraction of clause literals, providing specific cues that enhance understanding of legal terminology.

The authors demonstrate that Tsetlin Machines perform comparably to other state-of-the-art text processing methods, but with the significant added advantage of interpretability. This aspect is crucial in legal settings where understanding the basis of a model's decision is as important as the decision itself. The Tsetlin Machines approach not only matches the accuracy of more complex models but does so with simpler and more transparent logic operations.

The paper concludes that Tsetlin Machines offer a promising alternative for automated legal document analysis, providing both high accuracy and interpretability. This combination is especially valuable in the legal domain, where the clarity of how decisions are made can be just as crucial as the outcomes themselves.

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The full paper Interpretable Text Classification in Legal Contract Documents using Tsetlin Machines is available from IEEE.


First published by IEEE in June 2022.

DOI: 10.1109/ISTM54910.2022.00011