Professor Rishad Shafik


Rishad Shafik portrait

Professor Rishad Shafik holds the title of Personal Chair in Microelectronic Systems Design within the Microsystems Research Group and serves as the Director of the Microsystems AI Lab. He is also a Co-founder of Literal Labs. His research emphasises hardware/software co-design of machine learning systems, with a particular focus on ultra-low-power design using Tsetlin Machines. He has co-edited two books, including "Energy-efficient Fault-Tolerant Systems" published by Springer USA, and has authored or co-authored over 200 research articles in prominent international journals and conference proceedings. Of these, seven were nominated for best paper awards, with some winning best paper or poster awards. He is a Member of the Institute of Engineering and Technology, a Senior Member of IEEE, a Steering Member of the EPSRC-funded eFuturesv3, and a regular contributor to, and organiser of, major conferences. He earned his PhD and MSc (with distinction) degrees from the University of Southampton in 2010 and 2005, respectively, and a BSc in Electronic Engineering (with distinction) from IUT, Bangladesh, in 2001.

Select publications by Rishad Shafik

Professor Rishad Shafik has contributed to the authorship of the following papers relevant to Literal Labs' technology.